About Us

Tyneside Conservative Federation is the Conservative Party voluntary organisation responsible for campaigning to have Conservative politicians elected in Tyneside.

This mainly includes fighting for the 9 parliamentary and 258 city council seats. It can also include the role of the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and North East Mayor.


Conservatives are campaigning hard to make a difference in Newcastle. Our hard-working activists are determined to see the area succeed. There has never been a better time to join us! We look forward to hearing from you.

Tyneside Conservatives is a modern, forward-looking Association of like-minded people from all walks of life with a common belief that their country should be run by a Conservative government.

As well as the political work carried out by the Association there are many and varied social functions organised by the Management Team. Details of these can be found on this website and on our social media.

We are, above all, a campaigning organisation dedicated to fighting for a better deal for all of the communities that form part of Tyneside.

We work all year round, on issues that affect these communities and campaigning for better local services.


This is what we believe in:

Freedom: Conservatives believe in less interference from the State - freedom for individuals, families, voluntary groups and businesses.

Enterprise: Conservatives want to keep taxes low and set businesses free from red tape to help the United Kingdom compete in the global economy but we will stand up to business when we have to.

Responsibility: Conservatives stand for the rule of law and support for all members of our society. We recognise our duty to protect the environment for future generations.

Nation: Conservatives want to safeguard the Union of all countries that form part of the United Kingdom, maintain strong defence and uphold our right to national self-government.

If you want to find out more about what Conservatives stand for, why not download our party manifesto here.


Our management team leads Tynesidee Conservatives. It sets our priorities and budget and also organises all of our campaigning and social events. They are elected by the Party membership in summer at our Annual General Meeting. 

The members of our current Tyneside Conservatives management team are:

Chairman: Andrew Burnett

Deputy Chairman, Political: Joshua Thomas Clark

Deputy Chairman, Membership: Jennifer Mills

Treasurer: Ian Forster

Central & West Constituency Officer: Thomas Lian-Hoare

East & Wallsend Constituency Officer: John Dobie

North Constituency Officer: Stephen Dawes


Policy Forum Matters: Stephen Warrick

Young Conservatives Coordinator: Jarred Riley


Any member of our team can be contacted using the Get In Touch contact form.